Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Letters To The Editor

To the Sports Editor:
Re “Panel Calls for Treatment in Sex Ambiguity Cases,” Jan. 21: Scrutinizing female athletes based on their looks to scan for potential masculinizing disorders is demeaning and sends a harmful message to all women.

Female athletes are role models for those who wish to live a healthier lifestyle and vow to exercise as a result. They also stand for the mental toughness of women in being able to train and transform their bodies. Female athletes should not be exposed to such negative scrutiny because of their ability to prepare their bodies for competition.

If the International Olympic Committee is truly concerned about medical disorders, then testing should be required for all female athletes to scan for multiple types of disorders and not just masculinizing disorders.

Amy Welch Brighton, Mass.

This letter to the editor is from the NY Times on January 30th. It is a good example of responding to an article. First of all it is very well written: short summarizing her opinion on the article and then ending with a possible solution. The main reason I like it though is because this issue raises so many questions, it is a true dilemma. I personally understand what she is saying about the idea that some of these things could be demeaning to women; but I also think that it is almost similar to testing for steroids. If it is something that is going to make them perform better than other women, then it is a performance enhancer.

To the Editor:
Bob Herbert’s Jan. 30 column about Howard Zinn, “A Radical Treasure,” is a wonderful tribute to a great man. We never met Mr. Zinn except through his books and films. Yet his death left us with a profound sadness.

There aren’t many people who speak truth to power and do so with as much grace, intelligence and compassion as Mr. Zinn. His “People’s History of the United States” should be read by all Americans. It’s our failure to understand and take responsibility for our arrogance that has led us into so many military mistakes and economic calamities. Thank you, Bob Herbert, for reminding us of what this world lost when this great man died.

Larry Barkan
Carol Barkan
Tempe, Ariz., Jan. 30, 2010

I’d call this letter a tribute letter; almost a thank you to Bob Herbert and mostly Howard Zinn. As much as I respect and love the work of Howard Zinn I like to read different kinds of opinions in the Letters to the editor; things that raise question and spark conversations. I guess it’s tolerable because of the impact Howard Zinn had, but there were so many Letters to the editor about Zinn.

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