Thursday, February 4, 2010

To Daily Collegian

Re: UMass bonding time
Dear editor,
Apparently people are asking for ideas to unify the campus. In my opinion sports is the number one way bring people together. Yeah skating on the pond would be fun, but how many people would be able to skate? It would most likely end up in a fight for the ice.
I would love nothing more than to get pumped on a Wednesday or Friday night and go cheer on the basketball team, but how can I have respect for myself cheering for a team that lost to the University of Central Florida by seventeen points.
Here’s an idea: let’s keep a coach here long enough to build the program back up. Every time we get on the brink of starting to make progress our coach leaves. Let’s get some players that will give us some incentive to cheer for them. From what I have seen the hockey games are the only evidence of school spirit here, and that is true for one reason only: they contend.

Dan Mangan


  1. For a girl who could careless about sports and threw a super bowl party - not in honor of the saints- but of Reggie Bush, I couldn't agree more. It's nice to cheer for winners even if you don't understand the rules of the competition.

  2. Two letters to the Collegian in the same week? Did either get published?
