Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Watchdogs of Democracy

"Information will just all be basically free, so there's no money to be made in journalism," says de Nevers, an 18-year-old from Portland, Ore. "As much as I would like to pursue my love and all that, I like food, too. And I just don't want to sacrifice it all."

That quote right there is why Journalism is so important. Everything is about making money now, and one of the most important things in a democracy (if you call this a democracy) is questioning the rulers. If there is no one there to investigate and question the government, corporations, capitalism, and just anything in general then what is going to happen to democracy? The small amount of democracy that is even left in this country will be gone. There are so many things happening right now with the way the United States is being run that are wrong and need to be questioned; and the fact that people are worried more about making money than doing what is right worries me.

I believe journalism will never die because there will always be people who question and make other people question what is really going on and if it is right. There is a difference between the news reporting we see on a lot of television and radio programs and newspapers, and actual Journalism. The people who believe Journalism is a dying industry might be right, but not in the sense that they are talking about. Journalism is supposed to be objective, and in a sense anti-government and anti-big business. In this sense Journalism is dying, because it is being controlled by these same institutions that it is supposed to be questioning.

I am going to go as far as to say people should be wanting to go into Journalism rather than not because there is no money it in. Journalism needs to be taken back to the people, for the people. The watchdogs of democracy need to regain that title, so that everyone isn't sucked into the money wanting pushed through our society by capitalism. Journalism can't die, or democracy dies.

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